Analisis Penggunaan Penggerak Motor Servo pada Robot Paralel Konfigurasi Delta


  • Fauzan Fauzan -
  • Melisa Doremi -


Delta robot, gripper, Arduino Mega, servo motor


Robots have been chosen as a solution to help humans overcome various problems, such as precision, safety, flexibility and repetitive work. Industries, in particular, have adopted the use of robots in pick & place tasks to efficiently meet consumer needs, considering these tasks require speed, precision and consistency. To achieve this goal, the development of delta robots has been carried out, especially in the packaging sector. In this research, a small delta robot prototype was created using an Arduino Mega 2560 as the base. This delta robot has 3 degrees of freedom arranged in parallel in a triangular configuration. Robot actuators use servo motors controlled by a microcontroller, with input from a joystick and GUI via serial communication. Input from the joystick and GUI is processed by the microcontroller to perform inverse kinematics calculations, which then produces an angle for each servo to reach the desired end-effector position. Apart from being controlled manually, the robot can also operate automatically with position recording mode.




How to Cite

Fauzan Fauzan, & Melisa Doremi. (2024). Analisis Penggunaan Penggerak Motor Servo pada Robot Paralel Konfigurasi Delta. TERLUGAS : Jurnal Teknologi Dan Rekayasa Logistik, 1(1), 16–28. Retrieved from